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Put the lime in the coconut, mix it all up
I think the comic really does speak for itself.  It was an atrocious movie and anyone who says otherwise is a witch and should be burned at the stake.

Ahh, the phonecall I would LOVE to make.  Do you know how many copies of Rollerball there were?  Quite a number to begin with, trimmed now obviously due to it's release about two months ago.  Yet we had a reservation for it this week and I almost cried.  It's been two months since release and people STILL want it?  It's a crime!  It's a scandal!

So what did I do?  I gave it to them, but I also gave them Panic Room.  2 for 1 deal.  They needed to see SOMETHING decent after that POS.

Harry Potter comes out tomorrow in the US.  Go see it.  Expect some Potterage here soon.
- Mike

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